Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Same Roles For Life?

"Everyone has different roles to play in life, and we should accept the role we are given." I sort of agree with this statement. Yes, I think it's true that everyone is given different roles to play in life, but I also think that everyone has the right to change their roles.
Say that your great-grandfather and your grandfather and your father were all farmers,and that you were born and you HAD to be a farmer. I personally don't think that's fair, I mean sure sometimes life isn't fair, but I still think that we should be allowed to choose what our like faith and destiny is. It's our life and our future that's ahead of us, not our parents or grandparents, OURS! We are a new generation and deserve to start new lives and new roles!
-Shalese Long

1 comment:

  1. Great insight Shalese! Thoughts like these make me a little less fearful about the future.
