Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Why can't Bloging be like Facebook. ?

I wish blogging were as interesting like it was earlier this year. I mean my mom always thinks that I am lying and she thinks that the only reason I need the computer is for Facebook which is true; I am on there all the time. She thinks that blogs are like Facebook if they were I would receive an A+ no doubt about that. I am always confused to what to blog about because usually I have nothing to say I mean on Facebook all I post is lyrics to my favorite songs and usually like 6 people comment it or like it and on my Blog I post something and i usually get 1 comment BORING!
-Bring Me the Hilary(:

1 comment:

  1. Well, here's your one comment. And, I agree--it's a boring one. : ) On the other hand, maybe you can post an entertaining piece on how Facebook and blogging are similar/different. Just so you're ready next time your mom accuses you of Facebook fibbery.
