Monday, October 25, 2010

Edgar Allan Poe-Crazy or a normal mad man?!?!?!

I personally dont think that you can really judge someone by their writing because at that certain time the writer might feel a different way thats not really how they are. I do not think one bit that Edgar Allan Poe is psychotic because, yes sure maybe we are not exactly like him to kill someone but, we all have been a little crazy at times that we just want to rip someones head off. Just like one time where I got really ticked off at this girl who decided to start hating me all of a sudden because she caught me at the wrong time when I just so happened to be really excited about something. She decided to judge me for someone that I am not most of the time and I personally think her judgements were not correct. Edgar Allan Poe also gets judged just for writing a book on what he felt for a certain amount of time. All he was writing about was how crazy an old mans eye made him and sure he killed him but why don't you put yourself in his place? My point is that you shouldnt judge someone by something that isnt fully them.

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