Friday, October 22, 2010

Ok Sooooo how many of you like Miley cyrus? Well if you do then that's fine but I don't get it what's so great about her songs? They are super annoying and yeah she is pretty much filthy rich from all the little girls ages (4-11) that love her an say they wanna grow up and be just like her, but she's a horrible role model I mean think about... Yeah When Hannah Montana first became a singer she sang about "True Friends" and little girl stuff like that but now look at her she's just another Lil. Brittany Spears. She dresses way out of the normal range and goes way out on her songs. Here are some songs that are really bad "Can't Be Tamed" Is Just Like Brittany's Music. Well basically she just isn't a good role model for Lil. Girls anymore, also "Can't Be Tamed" Oh yeah tell all the little girls that look up to you that you can't be tamed. Or her song "Breakout," Yeah Tell the little kids out there schools lame. Way to go! Also her song Party in the U.S.A. Look how shes dressed which is like way inappropriate for little kids. Well you get the picture [HORRIBLE ROLE MODEL] Right? Well what do you think about Hanna Monatna/Miley Cyrus?

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