Tuesday, November 9, 2010

FЯED: Funny or Disturbing?

Funny or Distrubing? You decide! OK So Many of you know of the FЯED Sensation on Youtube. Well Supposedly he's super hilarious and it turns out he's really not he's super disturbing. I went on Youtube and checked out one of his Videos and it was really obnoxious. I guess he's a lonely six year old named FЯED and he is using his moms' camera to make these horible videos on Youtube! In reality he's probably like 16 or something around that range.
Well I chekced out one of his videos' and I was just sorta Freaked out, but I guess people love him, one of his videos have like 47,322,716 views which in this case is ALOT! Yes some of you may say OMG Tori doesn't like FЯED well I don't, SORRY. Could you imagine having one of your family members talk like that and ecspecially if you lived with them, just think about it everyday you have to listen to that annoying voice, I would probably hide forever! It's just to painful to listen to his voice, it's like listening to some one scratch a chalkboard, or someone light a beatle on fire(when you light a beatle on fire they squeak super high pitched}. He's like a little kid jakced up on candy or caffeine, his voice sounds like he swallowed Helium. Yeah of coarse it's funny when you swallow Helium because your voice gets all squeaky but it's only funny for a little while then it just gets annoying.So here's the video I watched it's called Fred Rescues the Neighborhood Squirrels


  1. Hey Tori I think that The FЯed video was kinda werid because I felt as though he was yelling at me but,I have to admit it was pretty funny.I am happy you poasted this because this is a very interesting video for people to watch.Well I am going to eat some cheese now bye-bye
    Your Friend,
    Hilary Martinez

  2. Tori, I think that FЯED is awesome. His movie was funny, though it did have some(very few) stupid parts but besides that, I love FЯED. I also love how he thinks Pomeranian's are squirrels.
    Monica at the Mohawk blog.
