Monday, November 29, 2010


Well during Thanks Giving break I had my brother come back from college, he goes to Cal Berkely, and it was a long ride for him to come here but he doesn't mind. Any ways he and I went to my Grandma Antoinette, I have the same name, and we picked up our Uncle Alec who is our Grandma's son of course, and went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! It was so crazy with all the things and it was funny when (PLACE LONG STORY HERE) and they were like what the heck, it was pretty crazy. Oh and also the end was like when Mr. Vega left us on a cliff hanger but it was just (PLACE STORY HERE) and were like "Aaaawe" because now we have to wait like a year I heard it comes in either next year or the year after that in June. So I can't wait, if you saw it then tell me or comment!
- Lil' Monster!!!:D

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